Collectives and Networking Competence
The resource contains tools and tutorials that will help you develop the competencies needed to develop your networking skills covering the following areas:
One of the biggest challenges that small agricultural businesses face is finding the time and resources to do it all. You’re probably already running your business wearing multiple hats – juggling an ever expanding list of responsibilities. Therefore, finding other people with different skills or talents with whom you can split the burdens with and learn from can be helpful.
This Module is designed to help support small sustainable agricultural businesses in rural and outermost areas in the development of networks for collaboration and business development potential.
Unit 1 - Sustainability values for networking and sustainable growth
This unit will help you locate your core values and strengthen your possibility of finding relevant and useful collaborators. It is also really important for communicating to your customers, whether it is Business to Client (B2C) or Business to Business (B2B).
Unit 2 - Uncovering Existing Networks
Here you will find out who is already in your network, and how you can uncover other networking opportunities to help further strengthen your business and make what you do more efficient and sustainable.
Unit 3 - Optimising my Network
This unit will take you through how to design a good networking Strategy in order to strengthen the sustainability of your business.
Unit 4 - Networking Action Plan
The key to make networking happen is to have a Networking Action Plan. This unit will help you build one in just 5 steps.
Unit 5 - Micro Business Collectives
Microbusiness Collectives can play a positive role as a strategy for smallholders to remain competitive in rapidly changing markets. Especially within farmer groups, who are based on sustainable produce and methods. However, the commitment can vary, as the expected net benefits are not the same for all individuals, and there are many barriers in place from bigger competitors to stop new competition from presenting itself. This unit will present you with insight from others like you, and give you inspiration as to how you can use this for your own business.